8 Best Self-Care Practices For Mental Health

Self-care is one of the most important aspects of thriving as a human because it is from the abundance of your being that you give positive energy to other people. While Self-Care might be underrated, as individuals make sacrifices for different individuals, it is not selfish. It is a pillar of wellness sustenance and important in our fast-paced world. However, the question is how do we engage it to serve us? 

Woman practicing meditation by the sea for mental well-being (tCaPC)

Meditation by the sea helps to calm the mind and reduce stress (tCaPC)

What is Self-care?

Self-care is a strict practice incorporated into our daily activities to help us manage stress and build satisfaction. It is an act of prioritizing your mental health and taking care of it to stimulate peace and happiness. When you prioritize your well-being, you pay attention to your feelings. You don't bury them to make another person feel good. Self-care goes deeper than luxury shopping and manicure. Although these activities are great, they do not cut it. Sometimes, Self-care requires you to make hard decisions, leave the people you love, and go to the hospital. Either way, it is okay to put yourself first. Here are proven Self-Care Practices that still work for billions of people around the world.

Regular Exercise

We live in a world where we just want to relax, eat, sleep, and work with our gadgets, however, regular exercise should also be a priority. Exercising does not just make you fit, it makes you feel good about yourself. When you are fit, you can walk into a room full of people with confidence, knowing that their eyes are going to be on you the entire time. Exercise is a pressure-release outlet. It helps your body's system and upgrades its quality. It also helps relieve stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression. So, why don't you try boxing a punching bag when you are angry, or taking a jog when you're overwhelmed?

Healthy and mindful eating

Woman enjoying a healthy salad for mindful eating (tCaPC)

Mindful eating involves enjoying and appreciating your meals (tCaPC)

This is not just about adding more vegetables to your food to engage a health video on YouTube, healthy and mindful eating involves you enjoying the vegetables. Enjoying your meals is an underrated Self-care act. It is not about strict restrictions or patterned food, it is about your anticipation when it's time to eat. It's about being conscious enough to notice the flavors and attachments in your food. With all these being said, eating a balanced diet is important for your development. Yes, add more vegetables, eat more salads, and cook more organic food, however, make sure you enjoy it.

Mindfulness practices

Mindfulness practices like Meditation facilitate a high form of self-awareness. It allows you to relax and calm the noise while taking in the things that you normally would not notice. Meditation makes you pay utmost attention to your thoughts and feelings without judgment. It also creates time for an inward and reflective look into our daily lives. Whether it's preparing our minds for a new day or reminiscing how the day went, mindfulness practices help us to stay firm amid anxiety, uncertainty, and doubt.

Adequate Sleep

We are so engrossed in the new trends of technology that we prefer gnawing at our phones to getting a good sleep. Sleep is a self-care practice that should not be compromised. It has been critical to our all-round growth from birth. Sleep helps to rejuvenate your body and relieve it from the day’s stress. It can also be critical for mental clarity and decision-making. Imagine when you argue with your partner, and you both go to sleep seething. However, when you wake up, you are ready to apologize because you had a reflective session about what started the argument and your mind is ready to move on.

Person sleeping with an alarm clock in focus (tCaPC)

Adequate sleep is essential for mental clarity and overall health (tCaPC)

Setting Boundaries

Setting Boundaries is critical for our mental health because it is important to get clarity without other people rocking our businesses. It can also help you prioritize meaningful activities and spend time with significant loved ones. Our solitude is as important as the time we spend with others. No one is greater than the other. Refuse any activity or individual that would cause you unnecessary stress or negative energy. 

Find a support system.

Every individual must have a support system to thrive because nobody can walk alone. Hang out with friends and family, form positive social connections, and talk to a therapist/friend about your feelings. Find people with shared interests and connect with them. If it is paintballing, hiking, or going to a concert, find a friend to do these activities with. A phone call to a friend can go a long way, including eating meals together. Sometimes, helping a friend can also give you a sense of happiness. So, while you set boundaries, create time to be there for the people you love.

Group of friends enjoying a social event (tCaPC)

Social connections are crucial for mental health and happiness (tCaPC)

Uphold your beliefs

Every human feels the need to connect to something greater, so it is important to uphold and stand by what we believe in. If saying a prayer would give you hope, and clarity or make you feel better about a bad situation, say a prayer. Most times, our morals and religious beliefs guide us to do what is right. It can also provide us with a sense of purpose.

Learn something new

Although learning is a way to distract ourselves from the vicissitudes of our day, it also provides us time to collect our thoughts and improve our cognitive function. Learning something new can provide another stream of fulfillment and income. It also reduces our encounters with unnecessary incidents and stressful energies.


Although mental health can be hard, getting and stimulating the needed support to thrive does not have to be. Each step listed above has a long-lasting effect on the overall mental well-being of an individual. Self-care helps you process your emotions and whatever you're feeling healthily and it keeps you in a space that works best for you. So while you go about your daily business, remember that your mental health is as important as any other aspect of your life. Put yourself first, as you can only give what you have. Finally, make sure to radiate so much love and positive energy that other people's cheeks hurt from grinning.


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