Jenna Dekoster

Hello – I’m Jenna! I’m a Registered Social Worker and Psychotherapist, with a creative spark and a sense of humour. I am committed to providing a space where people can show up as they are and be met with compassion and acceptance.

Read more about me below, to see if we might be a good fit for one another.

My Story

Life can be messy, and sometimes we need someone to help hold our stuff. My favourite part about this work is assisting people to step into their power, give words to their feelings, and start creating a life they love. I firmly believe that human connection is the foundation of an abundant life. For this reason, I am passionate about working with people to improve their relationships with themselves and others. What this looks like is defined by my clients, but can include support with deepening understandings of themselves, overcoming people pleasing, increasing self-compassion, and getting out of their thoughts and into their life (folks experiencing anxiety – I see you!).

My journey to this work began in Kingston, Ontario, where I quickly realized my lived experiences enhance my ability to support others. This led me to completing my Honours Bachelor of Behavioural Psychology, with a thesis on the use of acceptance and commitment therapy for drug-induced psychosis. I later went on to receive a Master of Social Work from Wilfrid Laurier University. 

I now have over ten years of experience helping individuals with an array of complex challenges, some of which include anxiety, relationship challenges, stress / burnout, and trauma. I incorporate various evidence-based models to tailor each therapeutic experience to the needs of my clients, however I often use ACT, EFT, PACT, and EMDR. 

I currently live in Ottawa and provide all services virtually. Outside of work, I enjoy spending time in nature, creating art, and convincing my partner that we need to buy a puppy. I look forward to connecting with you and collaborating on a plan that moves you towards living the life you desire. 

With gratitude,


My Credentials and Recent Trainings:

Registered Social Worker in good standing with the OCSWSSW #847018

EMDR training (in progress)

Advanced ACT for Depression and Anxiety Disorders 

PACT Level 1 Certified

CMHA Concurrent Disorder Trained

Applied Suicide Intervention and Skills Trained

SMART Recovery Certified

Mental Health First Aid Certified

Trauma Informed Practice Trained

Connect with me

If you feel I might be a good fit for you and want to explore a therapeutic relationship, let's connect for a free 10-15 minute consultation.
