What to Expect

Step 1: Contact us via our Contact Form or book directly online:

After reaching out to us through the contact form, you can expect a response from our team within 24 business hours. We will contact you via email or by phone depending on your preference, if you didn’t list one, we will send you an email. If you booked online, go to step 2B.

Step 2A: Free Consultation Scheduled via Video (Response to Contact Form):

In our email to you we'll offer you the opportunity to schedule a free consultation. This consultation will take place via video, allowing you to connect with our team and get a sense of how we work. It's a no-obligation session designed for you to ask questions and explore whether our services align with your needs. Did we mention it’s free?

Step 3A: Booking the First Appointment (After Free Consultation):

If, after the free consultation, you decide to move forward, we'll assist you in scheduling your first appointment. This session marks the beginning of our therapeutic journey together.

Step 2B: Online Booking (Alternative to contact form):

Alternatively, you can choose to book directly through our online booking system and skip the middleman. Upon booking, you'll receive a welcome email that provides essential information about our system management tool, Jane. Additionally, you'll receive a reminder about the scheduled free consultation and a link to your appointment.

Step 3B: Free Consultation (After Online Booking):

Following your online booking, with your link, you'll participate in the scheduled free consultation via video. This session allows you to further explore whether our services align with your goals and expectations.

Step 4: Next Steps (Post Free Consultation):

After the free consultation, you'll have the option to decide whether you'd like to proceed with scheduling a first appointment. If you choose to move forward, we'll guide you through the process of setting up your initial session.


Whether you contact us via our contact form or book directly online, our goal is to provide a seamless and supportive experience. We respect your decision, and our team is here to help you every step of the way. If you decide to begin therapy with us, we look forward to working collaboratively towards your therapeutic goals. If not, we appreciate your consideration and are here to support you in any way we can in finding a better fit.