Pursuit of Happiness: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Resilience

Who loves to be unhappy? You’d probably think that question is absurd, right? Well, that’s right! We all want to be happy. That’s why every one of us is in constant pursuit of happiness. There are many reasons for this ranging from the grandest to the most ridiculous. Yet happiness defines our decisions, choices, and perhaps the course and quality of our lives. Happiness is an indispensable part of human existence. As pleasure beings, we are constantly on the lookout for things, people, activities, events, etc., that can bring us happiness.

The human quest for happiness can take many different forms. For instance, the person battling grief is on a journey to reclaim something they lost- their happiness. Many times to achieve this they have to confront the challenge, through resilience and staunch determination. The end goal is to be happy again, to regain that spark of life!

A man reaching upward with determination, symbolizing the quest for happiness. Image provided by The Counselling and Psychotherapy Collective (tCaPC).

The Pursuit of Joy: A man stretches towards his aspirations, embodying the quest for happiness. (tCaPC)

Throughout life, we try to find happiness and strive to keep it. However, some of us find that we are always losing happiness and often as we find it. This could be nerve-racking, for anyone. Loss of any kind has a way of putting us on a spiral of continuous pursuit for self-discovery and happiness.

Like Smith in our story, everyone can be happy if they discover what gives them true happiness and how to stay on that path of freedom and self-discovery.

Smith’s Story

Smith has lived his entire life with one mantra “I just want to be happy.” This way of life wasn’t frivolous; he deliberately set up his life to run along that path of constantly weighing life choices, decisions, actions, etc., against the stiff resolve to always do only the things that bring him happiness. From an early age, he stuck by the simple desire to stay happy. This position informs his choices, including the decision to move to a new city he’s always wanted to live in even if it took him twenty years to make that move.

At different times in life, Smith has had to battle rejection, yet, for each challenge, he refuses to bow to failure. His persistence comes from the simple knowledge that happiness awaits him on the other side of the bridge.

As children growing up especially, around family and friends, we often find that relatives have mixed expectations of us and different views about how we should pursue and attain happiness. This was the case for Smith. He chose to be the sole determiner of his happiness. While appreciated the well-meaning opinions and suggestions of people who no doubt meant well for him, yet, he resolved to discover happiness for myself, without assistance.

A man stands on a sandy beach, smiling with arms outstretched, embodying happiness and serenity, supported by The Counselling and Psychotherapy Collective (tCaPC).

Embracing Happiness: A man finds pure joy on the beach (tCaPC).

Confronting Inner Demons: A Journey to Self-Acceptance

The journey to happiness is daunting. However, it comes at a grave price. This is the reason many get stuck in the cavity of self-defeat and hopelessness if they are unable to attain the happiness they seek. Finding happiness takes a lot of sacrifice and grit. Confronting our inner struggles is usually the most principal step in that direction. For Smith, this meant battling low esteem and his eating disorder. It was a long and hard fight but rewarding all the same. It took persistence for him to rise above the difficulties and through perseverance he was able to overcome them. Our experiences are varied, yet, taper at a point; when we go through challenging times, it is our mind trying to reach out to find meaning, purpose, and new ways of doing life. Happiness supplies the will to live. People who struggle with suicide have lost their willingness to live. Their failed search for happiness is often the reason they wish to end their lives. If you find that happiness tends to elude you and you’re constantly holding onto things, people, memories, etc., you are not alone. Just like Smith, you too can cultivate the persistence and courage needed to overcome. With personalized care and professional support, you too can live a truly happy life on your terms.

The Value of Hard Work: Building Confidence and Competence

Smith’s journey to happiness is a familiar one. It took more than hard work. With every hurdle scaled, he gained more aptitude and confidence. Every challenge he faced helped him conquer negativity. Through professional help, he learned to embrace growth and the prospect of change. In our quest for happiness, it is important to approach it with positivity. Acknowledging that happiness is within our reach is the first step to attaining it. People who give up on the possibility of finding happiness rarely find it because their hearts fail to fully grasp the potential that lies within them.

A man stands confidently on stairs, symbolizing tCaPC

Ascending with Assurance: A well-dressed man embodies confidence and competence (tCaPC).

Embracing Change: Letting Go and Moving Forward

Life is a constant struggle to find meaning and what makes living worth the try. Those who learn to focus on the bright side of life over time build the courage to conquer their fears and uncertainty. Through therapy, Smith learned to embrace growth and the prospect of change. Just like every loss, happiness can both be regained and rediscovered. The pursuit of happiness could lead to unfamiliar paths where we discover new things, people, activities, etc., that we never thought appealed to us. From our story, Smith received professional assistance with an open mind, letting go of the past, the apprehension, and accepting the present, for what it is.


Happiness is a journey, not a destination. The complex nature of our human existence keeps us in constant pursuit of happiness. Like Smith in our story, happiness is a canvas only you can paint. Loved ones in their version of care will try to define happiness for you. It is up to you to let them or ignore them. Through perseverance, courage, and willpower, Smith attained happiness. Until we confront our fears, and open up to growth and change, only then can we truly discover our real meaning and a reason to live.


Navigating Depression: Seeking Hope Amidst Despair


Embracing Life's Journey: Finding Purpose and Meaning