Managing Panic Disorder: Tips for Calming Severe Anxiety

Managing stress can be challenging for anyone. Daily life is full of stressors, and this can be overwhelming for most people, particularly those battling panic disorder. Some are great at navigating life and managing situations, especially the stressors coming from work, home, daily activities, etc., while the majority of others struggle to find a balance. Often, the things that trigger anxiety can come from the slightest things in our daily lives, yet managing anxiety and stress levels is important for our mental health. This is why self-care is important. While experts recommend several measures for managing anxiety attacks, drawing from the personal experience of others, and seeking professional guidance can prove much more effective for managing panic disorder.

Illustration of a distressed woman representing a panic attack (tCaPC).

Woman experiencing a panic attack, depicting overwhelming anxiety (tCaPC)

Carol’s Story

Carol taught a junior high school class by day and bartended by night. She is a single mother of two kids. For years she battled severe anxiety arising from doing two jobs while managing the home front as a single mother. Her stress levels spiked over time, this affected her work and personal life. At the bar, on several occasions, the smashing sound of a bottle sends her into fits. Also, at school, in trying to live their early teenage years to the fullest the kids got on her nerves, adding to her stress levels. She struggled to manage the situation. However, it deteriorated over time. Todd, her twin brother, called home one weekend and insisted she get professional care. Through therapy she realized that healing from panic disorders is not a one-off event, it requires a lot of self-care, self-awareness, and the following strategies. Read on to find out how Carol’s experience can help you pull through severe anxiety.

Self-Care Priority

Self-care involves prioritizing yourself, your mental state, and your overall well-being. For anyone battling severe anxiety, self-care is key for managing intense moments of fear, panic, excitement, etc. During therapy Carol realized that engaging in hobbies helped to restore happiness and calm, thus lowering her stress levels. The importance of prioritizing self-care, especially for anyone struggling with panic disorder cannot be overstated. Creating ‘me time’ and paying attention to your physical and mental health despite the demands of daily life is important.

Breathing Exercises

A woman practices breathing exercises, aiding panic disorder management (tCaPC).

Calm through breath. A woman practices panic disorder management breathing exercises (tCaPC).

Breathing exercises have been cited severally as an effective way of managing panic disorders. Aerobics encourage brain activity, improve general mood, and alleviate other physical issues linked to anxiety. They generally provide relief, reduce stress, and delay the onset of panic attacks. One way to achieve success here is to schedule apps that provide controlled guidance for effective participation in the breathing exercise daily.

Physical Activity

Often, when a panic attack occurs, the body is flooded with adrenaline that triggers the ‘fight or flight’ response mode in the individual. This adrenaline build-up can be dissipated through physical activities like dancing, running, skipping, etc. Much more than general body wellness, exercise helps channel unused energy residual in the body into movement; this is particularly beneficial for managing panic attacks.

Remind Yourself of Temporary Nature

Anxiety attacks can be overwhelming, leaving the individual feeling helpless. Constant reassurance, therapy, and support from family members, can help reduce the pain and offer support. Also, a constant reminder that the pain is passing can offer some comfort. Carol learned to focus her mind on her past victories over panic attacks, this reinforced self-confidence and a positive mindset amid the pain. Understanding that the pain is temporary can be energizing for anyone struggling with severe anxiety.

Diet Care

Diet plays a key role in the recovery process of anyone struggling with panic disorder. Certain foods are known to aggravate anxiety. As with anyone managing any type of health condition, paying attention to diet and avoiding certain foods is fundamental to improved outcomes. Caffeine is bad for anyone experiencing severe anxiety. Carol, in our story, realized the place of diet as an important part of her recovery process. It was tough at first, but over time she eliminated specific foods including caffeine from her diet. This helped to regulate any possible spike in her adrenaline levels, thus contributing to her overall well-being.

Distraction Strategies

Distraction can be a powerful tool for effectively managing severe anxiety. This could mean any activity that offers the slightest distraction from worry and apprehension, allowing you to throw yourself into other productive activities. By focusing your external stimuli elsewhere, you can take a mental break from anxiety, thus leading to temporary relief that can be sustained for a long time through deliberate efforts.

Music Therapy

A woman immersed in listening to music, representing music therapy for managing panic disorder (tCaPC)

Embracing tranquility through soundwaves. Experience the healing power of music therapy for managing panic disorder (tCaPC)

Music is said to be the food of the soul. This is quite true. Music, especially your favorite songs, can influence your mood and help you relax more. With a structured playlist of your favorite songs, you can create an atmosphere of relaxation daily. This can have a long-term benefit for alleviating your anxiety symptoms. Understanding how music can help manage panic disorder and how to fit it into your daily routine is important, especially for creating a soothing environment that helps you get through any bouts of panic attacks.

Eye Movement Technique

Studies show that rhythmic eye movements can help in rechanneling the brain's attention away from anxious thoughts. Merely moving your eyes from side to side in measured patterns while reciting your favorite nursery rhyme, for instance, can help you set different parts of your brain in motion. When done for prolonged periods this can help upset the cycle of uneasiness and apprehension and stabilize your thoughts. Control and mechanisms for regaining lost control for anyone battling panic disorder are paramount. Eye movement is as simple as blinking itself, yet remains a powerful technique for regaining control from panic attacks.


Managing stress can be challenging for anyone living with panic disorder. However, with the right treatment plan and strategies anyone can overcome the challenge. Prioritizing self-care, and engaging in physical activities, breathing exercises, and integrating other techniques you can navigate anxiety with courage and resilience.


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